

This poem explores the themes of an Introductory Philosophy class and the puzzling questions that life throws our way. The comforting thing in asking so many questions is that if you ask enough, you can claim it's a rhetorical choice rather than a representation of uncertainty. In this piece, I use juxtaposition and rhetorical questions to construct my own understanding of the world. There are many things to consider when looking at the world as one for one, but by trying to make things cancel one another out, you erase the opportunity for wonder, beauty, and hope.


Khloe Kennedy Fourth Year, English Major


In Intro to Philosophy

my professor declared the purpose of the class

with a thick white underline streaked across the blackboard.

who uses chalk anymore?

humans: good or bad?

I cannot understand for the life of me

why some man from the midwest is qualified

to teach logic and ethics to unamused 20 year olds at 8am.

but here he stands, musing

marx and skinner, plato and nietsche

weighing good and bad on a scale

as if you could ever compare the lowest of humanity's actions

to gods greatest creations,

like puzzles.

you cannot put war and hate opposite

Christmas lights and communal activism and claim

the scales are "balanced"

- balance.

what a load of horseshit.

if there were only ever balance

then i wouldn't have met my therapist

or my abuser, but that's semantics

I've been thinking a lot these days

Wondering why I am what I am.

Curious why I am cloaked in anger

but quick to cry at the love I see in others.

I've never quite been capable of holding it together.

If the world has taught me anything -

good and bad aren't real,

They're just catch-alls for

scaring children, and voters.

Which is somehow both hopeless and comforting,

like watching a Hallmark movie,

right after a breakup.

And if good and bad aren't real

then how can I be?

How can I exist in a space without one-or-the-other meaning?

I guess I'll never know - I dropped Intro to Philosophy.

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